jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014

stages of Second Language Acquisition


 Sample Teacher Prompts for Each Stage of Second Language Acquisition

Approximate Time Frame
Teacher Prompts
The student
  • Has minimal comprehension.
  • Does not verbalize.
  • Nods "Yes" and "No."
  • Draws and points.
0–6 months
  • Show me …
  • Circle the …
  • Where is …?
  • Who has …?
Early Production
The student
  • Has limited comprehension
  • Produces one- or two-word responses.
  • Uses key words and familiar phrases.
  • Uses present-tense verbs.
6 months–1 year
  • Yes/no questions
  • Either/or questions
  • Who …?
  • What …?
  • How many …?
Speech Emergence
The student
  • Has good comprehension.
  • Can produce simple sentences.
  • Makes grammar and pronunciation errors.
  • Frequently misunderstands jokes.
1–3 years
  • Why …?
  • How …?
  • Explain …
  • Questions requiring phrase or short-sentence answers
Intermediate Fluency
The student
  • Has excellent comprehension.
  • Makes few grammatical errors.
3–5 years
  • What would happen if …?
  • Why do you think …?
  • Questions requiring more than a sentence response
Advanced Fluency
The student has a near-native level of speech.
5–7 years
  • Decide if …
  • Retell …

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